Schema Browser

This XrmToolBox tool allows you to view the list of tables and column metadata of the selected table with metadata information (developed by Christopher Judd).

With the out-of-the-box solution explorer, we cannot open the table schema details of the related table from the lookup column schema page.
To query and browser the schema details of the columns, you can use this tool to traverse entity links and retrieve tables of data from individual records.
  • Tool Information
  • Functionalities
    • View the list of tables
      • Filter the list of tables by display name or logical name (Fig. 1, Pt. 2)
      • Filter the list of tables by publisher prefix (Fig. 1, Pt. 3)
      • Copy all data on the result data grid view or copy the logical/display name of the selected table to the clipboard by right-clicking (Fig. 1, Pt. 4)
    • Open the default view of the selected table in the model-driven app (Fig. 1, Pt. 5)
    • Preview the column schema with the data
      • Show the list of columns and schema with the data from the row with the newest (last Created On) or latest (last Modified On) (Fig. 1, Pt. 6) (Fig. 2)
        • Filter the columns by publisher prefix (Fig. 2, Pt. 1)
        • Only show the columns with values (Fig. 2, Pt. 2)
        • Copy all data on the result data grid view or copy the logical/display name of the selected table to the clipboard by right-clicking (Fig. 2, Pt. 3)
        • Open the current record in the model-driven app (Fig. 2, Pt. 4)
        • Open the lookup value record in the model-driven app (Fig. 2, Pt. 5)
        • Open the column metadata for the table type of the selected lookup (Fig. 2, Pt. 6)
      • Open the row with the newest (last Created On) or latest (last Modified On) in the model-driven app (Fig. 1, Pt. 7)
      • View the column metadata of the selected table by double-clicking the row in the table (Fig. 1, Pt. 8)
        • Filter the list of columns by name or metadata (Fig. 3, Pt. 1)
        • Filter the list of columns by a publisher (Fig. 3, Pt. 2)
        • Only show the columns with metadata (Fig. 3, Pt. 3)
        • I still have no idea what it is trying to lookup (maybe looking up the record by name but I can't get to make it work) (Fig. 3, Pt. 4)
        • Show the list of columns and schema with the data from the row with the newest (last Created On) or latest (last Modified On) (Fig. 3, Pt. 5)
        • Open the row with the newest (last Created On) or latest (last Modified On) in the model-driven app (Fig. 3, Pt. 6)
        • Copy all data on the result data grid view or copy the logical/display name of the selected table to the clipboard by right-clicking (Fig. 3, Pt. 7)
        • Open the default view of the current table in the model-driven app (Fig. 3, Pt. 8)
        • Open the column metadata for the table type of the selected lookup by double-clicking on the lookup column (Fig. 3, Pt. 9)
        • Open the list of choice values by double-clicking on the choice/picklist column (Fig. 3, Pt. 10) (Fig. 4)
      • Additionally, the tool can refresh metadata from the environment if there is any update since the tool was opened (Fig. 1, Pt. 1)
    • Similar Tools

    Fig. 1 - Tables

    Fig. 2 - Columns with Values

    Fig. 3 - Columns

    Fig. 4 - Choice Options

    This is part of the #TooLDR series where I test and review the tools for Power Platform. You can check out the information for the other tools on this page.


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