CRM Simple Record Cloner
This XrmToolBox tool allows you to clone the data from one environment to
another while keeping the same GUID by accepting the URL of the row as a
parameter (developed by
Martin Tölk).
It is important to keep the same GUID for some of the reference data in
multiple environments (especially those which are referenced in the
workflows, business rules, JavaScript, etc.).
To clone the data from one environment to another while keeping the same
GUID, you can use this tool to enter the URL of the rows to be cloned and
clone those to the target environment.
This tool requires entering the URL of each and every row and it is good
only for quick cloning of a few rows. There is no option to remove the URL
of the rows after entering and a new tool tab needs to be opened in order
to start again. For copying more than a few rows with filter criteria,
Data Transporter would be a more suitable tool.
- Tool Information
- Functionalities
- Clone the data from one environment to another (Fig. 1, Pt. 5)
- Enter the URL of the rows to be copied (Fig. 1, Pt. 1, 2)
- Specify the rules when the row is cloned (Fig. 1, Pt. 3)
- Ignore and not copy over Owner and Modified By user lookup values
- Ignore all lookups and not copy over the lookup values
- Ignore the columns which are not in the target environment
- Ignore the lookup values which are not existing in the target environment
- Verify and show confirmation for the missing lookup values in the target environment (Fig. 2)
- Ignore the not copy over the State and Status columns
- Upsert/update the data if the row with the same GUID exists in the target environment
- Choose the target environment to clone the data (Fig. 1, Pt. 4)
- Additionally, the tool can
- Verify the missing lookup values in the target environment (Fig. 2)
- Similar Tool
- CDS Data Migrator
- Configuration Migration
- Data Migration Tool
- Data Transporter
Fig. 1 - Colour-coded Privileges with ID
Fig. 2 - Verify Lookup Values in Target Environment
Thanks for shearing this kind of information clone