
This XrmToolBox tool allows you to monitor the local file web resource file (.js, .html, etc.) or assembly .dll file and auto-deploy to Microsoft Dataverse environment upon any change (developed by Roman Kopaev).

When there is no unit testing and web resource/plug-in/custom workflow activity is being updated in a code editor to be deployed frequently for testing in the environment, it takes time to deploy using out-of-the-box functionality.
To quickly deploy whenever a change in the file, you can use this tool to monitor the local file and the tool will automatically deploy when the local web resource file is changed or the assembly .dll file is re-compiled upon building the changes.
  • Tool Information
  • Functionalities
    • Update the web resource file with the local copy
      • Select the local file and web resource to map (Fig. 1, Pt. 4) (Fig. 2)
      • Auto-deploy the web resource file if there is any change to the local file (Fig. 1, Pt. 1)
      • Update the web resource file manually (Fig. 1, Pt. 3)
    • Auto-deploy the plug-in or custom workflow assembly if there is any change to the local file (Fig. 3)
    • Additionally, the tool can
      • Indicate if the local file has been updated (Fig. 1, Pt. 2)
    • Similar Tool
      • Plugin Auto Deployer
      • Webresource Auto-Updater

    Fig. 1 - Auto Publish Web Resource File

    Fig. 2 - Select Web Resource

    Fig. 3 - Auto Publish Plugin and Custom Workflow Activity Assembly

    This is part of the #TooLDR series where I test and review the tools for Power Platform. You can check out the information for the other tools on this page.


    1. For clarification, I'm guessing the XRMToolbox and this tool need to be open while working on the file in your editor of choice for the automatic update to occur, yes?

      Loving this series. Always thought it was needed but never brave enough to take it on myself. Thank you for undertaking this challenge!

      1. That's correct. This tool in XrmToolBox keep running to be automatically deploy the file (upon any change)


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