Unable to Export Solution from Dataverse/Dynamics 365 with Generic Unexpected Error
When I tried to download the solution in the maker portal, it took really long and finally the following error was shown.
Solution "Power Platform Playground" failed to export: An unexpected error occurred.
I tried it again in the classic solution explorer, I got the same generic "Unexpected Error" popup and the downloaded log file is not helpful either.
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: An unexpected error occurred. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040216
Message: An unexpected error occurred.
When I tried it with the Export Solution task from Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps, I get a little bit more details as below but I was not so sure what is the root cause of the issue.
Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040216
Message: System.ArgumentException: Stream was not writable.
After raising a ticket with Microsoft Support, the support engineer checked through the telemetry of the error with the timestamp. I was told that the "Stream was not writable" error is a common error when the table description contains invalid characters. I checked through all the tables in the solution and I found a couple of tables contain invalid characters like this � in the description. After clearing those characters, the solution is exported successfully without any issue.
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