Use Filter Array instead of Nested List Records to Optimise the Cloud Flow

In this post, I will explain how you can use the Filter Array action to filter the required rows of the output data from the List Records action.

When there is a requirement to match the rows from two arrays using a particular property value, you can use the Filter Array action to get the matching object from the array. In the scenario below, you will see how it can be used to get the matching row from the List Records action output based on the value of the current row.


To demonstrate the capability of the Filter Array, I will use the Opportunity, Opportunity Line, Quote, Quote Line and Product tables within Dynamics 365 Sales.

When creating an Opportunity Line for an Opportunity, Users can manually enter the Manual Discount for each Opportunity Line. A Quote can also be created from an Opportunity which copies the value of the Manual Discount from the respective Opportunity Lines when creating the related Quotes Line.

The requirement for our scenario today is "When the Manual Discount in an Opportunity Line is updated and the user checks the flag to refresh the data, the system must update the respective Quote Lines with the new value of Manual Discount from Opportunity Lines. Now that is going to be a challenge as there is no direct connection between the Opportunity Line and the Quote Line as you can see in the Entity Relationship Diagram below.
To get the Manual Discount value from the Opportunity Line row, the Existing Product can be used the match and get the corresponding Quote Line. The assumption for this scenario is that there will not be more than one Opportunity Line for each Product. If there can be multiple Opportunity Lines with the same Product, the values of multiple columns need to be matched to get the rows. But for the sake of simplicity in this scenario, let's assume that all Opportunity Line rows have a unique product. Let's see how you can easily get the corresponding Opportunity Line row using another List Records action.

Nested List Records to Retrieve Matching Row

In this flow, the matching Opportunity Line is retrieved for each Quote Line row by using another List Records step with Opportunity and Existing Product as a filter query. I then use the first() row of the output to get the Manual Discount value and update the Quote Line. This solution fulfils the requirement but it will take time to query the data with List Opportunity Lines steps for each Quote Line especially if there are dozens of Quote Line rows in one particular Quote. This solution can be optimised further by using the Filter Array action instead of querying data in the loop.

Filter Array to Retrieve Matching Row

In this flow, all the Opportunity Lines of the related Opportunity are retrieved before the Apply to each loop. For each Quote Line, get the Manual Discount value from the matching Opportunity Line by filtering with Existing Product using Filter array action.

Populate the From property with the ['body/value'] of the List Opportunity Lines step. Then, choose one side of Where property with the Existing Product value item()?['_productid_value'] from the List Opportunity Lines step and another with the Existing Product value items('Apply_to_each_Quote_Line')?['_productid_value'] from List Quote Lines step.

The output of the Filter array step is also an array which is the subset of the main array with values matching the criteria. In this scenario, there is only one Opportunity Line that matches with the Existing Product value, so let's use first() to get the value without another Apply to each loop.

For some reason, the output of Filter array step does not show up in the Dynamic Value when the expression is being added for Manual Discount column. (maybe because it is the currency column which accepts decimal value).

The output of Filter array step is nowhere to be found when the Dynamic Value is added in the text column either.

If you are not sure how to write the expression of the body output of the Filter array step, just create one Compose step to build your expression. One disadvantage of using filter array on output of the List records action is that you need to write the expression for getting the property. That is because properties of the Filter array is not available in the Dynamic Value list if we filter the output of the List records step. To overcome this problem, you may use Parse JSON action to make the properties selectable from the Dynamic Value list. But if you are comfortable with the expression, you can add the Body of the Filter array step in first() and then, append with the property (column) name of the array object that we need. In this case, it would be ?['manualdiscountamount'].

Finally, copy the expression from the Compose step above to the Update Quote Line step.


By using the Filter Array action we can the output data from the List Records action to get specific rows and by doing so, we can query all data at once and filter to reduce the number of server-side calls. Even though it can improve the performance of the flow, the flow author will require a little bit of knowledge of writing an expression to use the Filter Array action.


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