Power Apps Maker Portal vs Classic Solution Explorer - Feature Capability Comparison

With the introduction of Power Platform, we can now do table configuration for Dynamics 365/CDS in two places – within the good ol' “Classic” Solution Explorer"(«OrgName».crm.dynamics.com/tools/solution/edit.aspx) and now within the new Power Apps Maker Portal (https://make.powerapps.com).

The Classic solution explorer has always been the place where we customise the system since the old Dynamics CRM days, and all system customisers with Dynamics background uses this up to this day. The Power Apps maker portal is where the Power Apps maker customises the Common Data Service, the model-driven apps and other Power Platform components. Since there are a lot of shared components between Power Apps and Dynamics 365, maker portal has been my preferred way to customise the system, especially with the introduction of the new WYSIWYG model-driven form designer and the new view designer for model-driven apps. I start my customisation from maker portal and only when I hit a roadblock due to the feature gap, that I click on the “Switch to classic” button to open up the Classic solution explorer and continue the task which I cannot do yet / not available yet in the maker portal.

But I still find a lot of the consultants within my circle who are reluctant to use the maker portal because of the feature gaps, and unawareness of the new features that are available in the maker portal. If the system customiser has that knowledge, the system customiser can pick up the right tool for the job – as the saying goes, “a tool is only as good as the hands that wield it”– so picking up the right tool for the right job will save you a lot of time and make your work a lot easier and faster to complete.

There is an official Microsoft documentation of feature capability comparison between Power Automate and classic workflow but I could not find one for the feature-capability comparison between Power Apps maker portal vs Classic solution explorer. So, I decided to start one up by myself and maintain it until there is such documentation available from Microsoft which will help the makers and system customisers to transition to the Power Apps maker portal.

This table summarises the comparison between Power Apps maker portal (referred to as “Modern”) and Classic solution explorer (referred to as “Classic”) capabilities.
The list is categorised into the following 5 different tables based on the nature of the capability.
  1. Solution Designer
  2. App/Sitemap Designer
  3. Table Designer
  4. Column Designer
  5. Form Designer
  6. View Designer
Note: Features which are available in both designers and are redundant/(almost) deprecated features (like "Enable Business Process Flow for Entity", "Phone Express", "Reading pane in Dynamics 365 for Outlook", etc.) are not included in this list.

Solution Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Use object checker Yes No Use object checker to diagnose a solution component

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/data-platform/object-checker
New Feature
Use solution checker Yes No Use solution checker to validate the model-driven apps in Power Apps

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/use-powerapps-checker
New Feature
Use Monitor Yes No Use Monitor to troubleshoot model-driven app form behaviour

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/monitor-form-checker
New Feature
Manage Canvas Apps Yes No Canvas apps components can only be visible in the maker portal.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/add-app-solution
New Feature
Manage Environment Variable Yes No Environment variables are only available in the maker portal.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/environmentvariables
New Feature
Manage Automated / Scheduled Flows Yes No In the solution designer, flows are shown as Processes with Category "Modern Flow" but those cannot be edited. The new flows cannot be created from the solution designer either, only in the maker portal. Ref: https://flow.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/solutions-in-microsoft-flow/ New Feature
Manage Custom Connectors Yes No Custom connectors are only visible in the maker portal.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/custom-connectors/customconnectorssolutions
New Feature
Add existing AI models Yes No Distributing an AI model using the solution is only available in the maker portal.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ai-builder/distribute-model
New Feature
Add existing Export to Data Lake Configs Yes No Exporting CDS data to Azure Data Lake

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/exporting-cds-data-to-azure-data-lake-preview/
New Feature
Delete / Remove solution components of different types at the same time Yes No The maker portal allows to delete or remove solution components of different types at the same time, while in the solution explorer, only the same type of components be deleted or removed at the same time. New Feature
View Configuration Page of the Solution No Yes The configuration page of the solution (especially managed ISV ones) cannot be viewed in the maker portal at the moment. Feature Gap
Create a new Email Template Yes Yes The New Email template button is not working currently in the maker portal. Feature Parity
Create a new Process Yes Yes There is no option to create a new Process (Action, BPF, Workflow) in the maker portal even though the existing processes can be added to the solution. Feature Parity
Turn on/off multiple Processes No Yes In the maker portal, multiple processes cannot be turned on/off by selecting multiple processes. The processes can only be turned on/off one after another. Bulk activation/deactivation of multiple processes is only available in the solution explorer at this moment. Feature Gap
Add existing Application Ribbon Yes Yes Adding Application Ribbon to the solution is currently failing with the following error in the maker portal "Failed to add application ribbons. Subcomponent <<GUID>> cannot be added to the solution because the root component RibbonCustomization is missing." Feature Parity
View List of Referenced Components upon Deletion Failure Yes Yes When a component is being deleted In the maker portal and then failed due to the dependency, the error message says "component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by x other components. For a list of referenced components, use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest."
There is no easy option to click on the "Details" hyperlink in the error message to pop up the window of "Dependent Components Detected" list as in solution designer.
Feature Parity
View Solution Layers Yes Yes Solution Layers cannot be viewed in the maker portal at this stage. Feature Parity
View Subcomponents within a parent solution No Yes Once a patch is created, everything is disabled in the parent solution which makes it hard to view the sub-components of each component and there is no way to Switch to Classic solution explorer either. Different Behaviour

App/Sitemap Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Add custom page Yes No Add a custom page to the model-driven app

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/add-page-to-model-app
New Feature
Customise app commands Yes No Customise the command bar using command designer

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/use-command-designer
New Feature
Select Dashboards for the app Yes Yes
Feature Parity
Select Business Process Flows rules for the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Select tables for the app Yes Yes
Feature Parity
Select forms for the app Yes Yes
Feature Parity
Select views for the app Yes Yes
Feature Parity
Select charts for the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Select Table-specific Dashboards for the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Update app icon No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Update App URL Suffix No Yes Not available in the new app designer, in the app switcher at this stage. Feature Gap
Configure Security Roles to the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, in the app switcher at this stage. Feature Gap
Choose a welcome page for the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Configure Mobile Offline profile for the app No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic app designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add Area to the sitemap No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic sitemap designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add web resource or URL subarea to the sitemap No Yes Not available in the new app designer, only in the classic sitemap designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Update the icon of the subarea No Yes Not available in the new app designer, in the app switcher at this stage. Feature Gap
Set privileges required to see the subarea No Yes Not available in the new app designer, in the app switcher at this stage. Feature Gap
Add additional titles with different languages No Yes Not available in the new app designer, in the app switcher at this stage. Feature Gap

Table Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Create a table faster Yes No When using the Modern Table Designer to create a table, the table will be provisioned in the background and the UI allows you to continue to make any additional customisations. This allows you to create a table faster in comparison to the Classic table designer which freezes the screen for a few seconds and does not allow you to continue with your work until the table creation is completed.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/creating-new-entities-is-faster-than-ever/
New Feature
Pre-populate Plural Name Yes No When any noun (e.g. "Happy Child") is entered into the Display Name field, the Modern table designer will pre-populate the proper Plural Display Name (e.g. "Happy Children"). New Feature
Set Primary Column Property Yes Yes In the Modern table designer, the properties for Primary Column (other than Display and Schema Name) can only be set in the list of columns after creating a table. Different Behaviour
Select Primary Image No Yes The Primage Image of the table can be to be set in the maker portal. Feature Parity
Set Table Colour Yes Yes Theme Settings are not fully implemented in Unified Interface yet as well as the table colour. No comparison in this area at this stage. Feature Parity
Create as Virtual Table No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add to Sitemap N/A Yes With the introduction of model-driven app concept, this feature is no longer required. Different Behaviour
Set Auditing Settings Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Add Table Subcomponents Yes Yes Now, we can add subcomponents within the modern table designer without going out to the table list.

In the modern table designer, the subcomponents can only be added by selecting the table within the solution. In order to add subcomponents, open the solution, select one particular table that you want to add subcomponents and the "Add subcomponents" button will appear at the top menu as in the screenshot below.
However, it cannot be done from the table subcomponents list view (e.g. columns, forms, views, etc.) as in solution explorer after opening the table.
Feature Parity
Include table metadata for existing table in the solution No Yes In the maker portal, "Include table metadata" checkbox is only available when the table is added into the solution and not available to be selected for the existing table in the solution. Feature Gap
Select Table Subcomponents Yes Yes Now, the modern table designer can show relevant information when the subcomponents are selected for the existing table.

In the modern table designer, only 4 columns, the Display Name, Name, Column Type, and Managed externally are shown in subcomponents selection of any type. This causes some difficulties in choosing:
- Relationships because it is harder to identify the type of relationship (1:N, N:1 or N:N), Display Name of the Other Table 
- Business Rules because the Scope and State (Activated, Deactivated) is not available
- Views because the View Type is not available
- Forms because the Form Type is not available and there can be the forms with the same name (x3 Information forms with different types)
Feature Parity
Include columns for Add Existing Table Yes Yes "Search columns" textbox is now working in the column selection for Add Existing Table in the modern table designer.

"Search columns" textbox is not working (not able to set the cursor) in the column selection for Add Existing Table in the modern table designer.
Feature Parity
Filter the Table Subcomponents by Type Yes Yes In the modern table designer, the list of subcomponents can be filtered to show Managed, Custom, Default or All items, while the solution explorer allows you to filter by All, Custom, Customizable or Mappable. Different Behaviour
Set Managed Properties of the Table Subcomponents No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Show Dependencies of the Table Subcomponents Yes Yes Show dependencies button is now available in the maker portal which opens the window in legacy classic experience.

Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage.
Feature Parity
View Column Properties in the List Yes Yes In the modern table designer, some of the column properties are not available in the list view such as the Schema Name, Column Type - Simple/Rollup/Calculated, Column Security, Audit Status, Description. Instead, the list contains some additional components which are not in the solution explorer such as the Type - Standard/Custom, Required and Searchable. Different Behaviour
Display Primary and Related Table in Relationship Definition Yes Yes The visual presentation of the relationship is better in the modern table designer to identify which side is Primary (One) table and which one is Related (Many) table, which one is the current table and in which table the lookup column will be created. Improved Feature
Pre-populate Relationship Name for new Relationship Yes Yes Just as in creating a new lookup column, different table designers pre-populate the relationship name differently when the new relationship is created.

Classic: <Prefix>_<Target Table Logical Name>_<Current Table Logical Name>_<Lookup Column Name without prefix>

Modern: <Prefix>_<Current Table Schema Name without Prefix>_<Lookup Column Name without prefix>_<Target Table Schema Name>
Different Behaviour
Update Icon of the Table Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Set Searchable property of the Relationship Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Create Self-referential Hierarchical Relationship Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Set Lookup Column Requirement in Relationship Definition Yes Yes In the modern table designer, the Column Requirement for the Lookup Column can only be set in the list of columns after creating a relationship. Different Behaviour
Update Navigation Pane Item for Primary Table No Yes Show/hide or change custom label/order of the Related table (Associated table Navigation Pane) on the Primary table of the relationship cannot be done in the modern table designer. This can be done in the form designer navigation area instead. Different Behaviour
Change Cascade Behaviour for out of the box relationships No Yes In the maker portal, the Relationship Behavior for out of the box tables are shown as "System" and disabled while it can be changed in the solution explorer. Feature Gap
Add/Remove column Mappings for the Relationship No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Delete the Business Rule Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Activate / Deactivate the Business Rule from the List No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Configure Security Roles to the Form Yes Yes Configuring "Security Roles" is now available in the Form settings in the modern designer.

Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage.
Feature Parity
Specify the Form Order Yes Yes Configuring "Form order" is now available in the Form settings in the modern designer.

Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage.
Feature Parity
Activate / Deactivate the Form Yes Yes Configuring "Enable/disable" and the Fallbak form is now available in the Form settings in the modern designer.

Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage.
Feature Parity
Publish the Table-specific Dashboard No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add Required Components to the Table-specific Dashboard No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Configure Security Roles to the Table-specific Dashboard No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Set the Table-specific Dashboard as Default No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Clone the Table-specific Dashboard using "Save As" No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Export / Import Chart No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
View Status of new Key and Reactivating for failed indexing job No Yes In the Modern table designer, there is no way to see whether the newly created key is Active or still Pending. And there is also no option to reactivate table key for the failed job. Feature Gap
Preview Data of the table in the system Yes No The Modern table designer allows previewing the existing data with the Default Public View in the maker portal without opening the model-driven app.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-view-designer-for-model-driven-apps/
New Feature
Edit data in Excel Yes No The Modern table designer allows opening table data in Microsoft Excel to easily view and edit data by using the Microsoft Power Apps Excel Add-in.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/data-platform-excel-addin
New Feature
Get Data using Power Query Yes No The Modern table designer allows using Power Query to add data to an existing table.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/data-platform-cds-newentity-pq
New Feature
Export data to CSV Yes No One-time data export from a standard table or custom table to CSV can be done in the Modern table designer.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/data-platform-import-export#export-data-to-csv
New Feature
Export to data lake Yes No There is an option to export to Azure data lake in the Modern table designer.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/exporting-cds-data-to-azure-data-lake-preview/
New Feature
Configure Custom Controls for grid view page No Yes Configuring the default Custom Controls for the grid view page is not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap

Column Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Create/Update columns, key, and relationships in Batch Yes No Unlike the Classic table designer, the Modern table designer does not immediately create/update the columns. This allows the user to quickly create/update multiple columns without waiting in-between and all changes can be pushed to the server in batch in the end. With the Modern table designer, the data type of the column can be quickly changed by deleting the column and re-creating it with the same name.

Modern table designer pros and cons:
Pros: Ability to discard all changes by not saving the table
Cons: Risk of losing all pending changes if the user forget to save the table

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/create-edit-field-portal#save-new-field
New Feature
Validate Duplicate Column Name / Relationship Yes No If the new column or relationship name is a duplicate, the Modern table designer shows a warning about the duplicated name even before the column/relationship is saved. New Feature
Enable Column Security Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Enable Auditing Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Configure column settings for interactive experience dashboards Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Create Auto Number Column Yes No Previously this functionality was only exposed through the API, but Auto Number columns can be created in the Modern table designer now.

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/common-data-service/autonumber-fields#create-an-autonumber-field
New Feature
Create Local Choice Yes Yes To create a local choice, choose "+New choice" and click on "View more" in the next panel to see the option for "Local choice"

Different Behaviour
Order Choice Options No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Coming Soon
Update Value of Existing Choice Options No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Coming Soon
Set Description and for Choice Items No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Set Colour Code for Choice and Yes/No Items No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Coming Soon
Define External Type Name and External Value in Global Choice No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Update the default values of a Status Reason (StatusCode) column No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Make changes to items of a Status Reason (StatusCode) column Limited Yes Only the label of the options can be changed in the maker portal. The maker will need to switch to classic experience to make changes to items of a StatusCode column. Feature Gap
Order Yes/No Items for List Control N/A Yes List Control Formatting for Yes/No in the Unified Interface does not consider the order that was set in the Yes/No column property. It follows the 0 (i.e. No) then 1 (i.e. Yes) sort order. Feature Gap
Create Image Data Type Column Yes Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Parity
Set IME Mode for Whole Number column No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Set IME Mode for Multiple Lines of Text column No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Change Format Type of Date and Time column No Yes Somehow, Date and Time and Date Only are considered as a different Data type in Modern table designer and the system does not allow to change it for existing Date and Time columns. Feature Gap
Pre-populate Relationship Name for Lookup Column Yes Yes Even though both table designers populate the Relationship Name for a new Lookup column, the format is quite different:

Classic: <Prefix>_<Target Table Logical Name>_<Current Table Logical Name>_<Lookup Column Name without prefix>

Modern: <Prefix>_<Current Table Schema Name without Prefix>_<Lookup Column Name without prefix>_<Target Table Schema Name>
Different Behaviour
Set Maximum file size in File data type column Yes No Maximum file size in File data type column cannot be set in the solution explorer. New Feature
Manage Special Type Columns such as ActivityTypeCode or PartyList columns No Yes Not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap

Form Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Preview live WYSIWYG form for Unified Interface  Yes No A live WYSIWYG form preview in the modern form designer enables makers to see exactly how the form will appear to end-users.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-wysiwyg-model-driven-form-designer-public-preview/
New Feature
Visualise the hierarchy of a form’s columns and controls Yes No The tree view in the modern form designer shows the visual hierarchy of the columns and controls on the form. The icons in the tree view help makers quickly identify the types of columns and controls.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-wysiwyg-model-driven-form-designer-public-preview/
New Feature
Switch between various form factors (screen sizes) Yes No The form factor switcher in the modern form designer enables makers to preview the responsive behaviour of the form and see how their form will appear on various screen sizes. Makers can also zoom in and out of the preview using the zoom slider or click on the auto-fit button to achieve the best fit based on the available width and height.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-wysiwyg-model-driven-form-designer-public-preview/
New Feature
Search and filter in the columns list Yes No The columns list in modern form designer supports incremental search as well as the ability to filter and see only custom columns, making the task of finding and adding columns to the form fast and easy. No more browser search (Ctrl + F) as in classic form designer to find the column in a long list.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-wysiwyg-model-driven-form-designer-public-preview/
New Feature
Save and publish the form in one click Yes No In the modern form designer, save and publish is also a single combined action helping reduce the clicks for one of the most common actions.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-wysiwyg-model-driven-form-designer-public-preview/
New Feature
Create a new column Yes Yes When the new column is added in the classic form designer using a non-IE browser, the column is not available immediately and either the form needs to be refreshed or the New Column button needs to be clicked again to see the column.
With the modern form designer, the new column is shown up in the list immediately after being created.
Improved Feature
Drag and drop OOB Custom Controls Yes No The modern form designer allows to drag and drop limited OOB Custom Control such as Flip, Linear Gauage, Radial Knob, Business Card Reader, etc. in the form. New Feature
Configure High-density Header and Header Flyout Yes No High-density form headers and header flyout can only be configured in the modern form designer

Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/form-designer-header-properties
New Feature
Visualise one column format of Unified Interface Quick Create Form Yes No Only with the modern form designer, the one-column format of Unified Interface Quick Create Form can be visualised and the classic form designer shows the three-column layout of the legacy web client.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/extend-the-power-of-wysiwyg-form-authoring-to-quick-create-and-quick-view-forms/
New Feature
Create Choice Column No Yes Choice column cannot be created in the modern form designer at this stage (coming soon). Feature Gap
Create Choices Column No Yes Choices column cannot be created in the modern form designer at this stage (coming soon). Feature Gap
Create Customer Column No Yes Customer column cannot be created in the modern form designer at this stage (coming soon). Feature Gap
Create File Column No Yes File column cannot be created in the modern form designer at this stage (coming soon). Feature Gap
Increase Form Field Height No Yes There is a bug in the modern form designer with increasing the form height of the multiline form field which causes the form fields below to shift away to another dimension and make those form fields invisible. Bug
Manage Subgrid Additional Options No Yes In the modern form designer, Subgrid Additional Options such as "Display Search Box", "Display Index" are not available. Team Template for Access Team subgrids cannot be selected either. Feature Gap
Use Main Form Dialog for Create/Edit Yes NoOpen main form in a dialog to create/edit the lookup value

Ref: https://jukkaniiranen.com/2021/01/relational-data-on-model-driven-forms-part-1-main-form-dialog/
New Feature
Turn off automatic resolutions and disable MRU for the Lookup Column Yes Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Parity
Filter Lookup using Related Rows Filtering No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Change Column/Subgrid Width No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Change Control Formatting (e.g. Checkbox, List for Yes/No Column) No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Update PCF Custom Control of the Form Field No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
View the Original Display Name or Schema Name of the Form Field Yes Yes Once the form field label is changed, there is no way to identify which form field it is because there is no way to view the original Display Name or Schema Name of the form field in the modern form designer. Feature Parity
Edit the Existing Column from the Form Designer No Yes This feature is available for some of the simple data types in the modern form designer but the columns with the following data types cannot be edited from the form designer (Yes/No, Choice, Choices, Lookup, File). Feature Gap
Edit the Form Navigation (items under Related Table tab) No Yes Adding/Removing items in Related Table tab is only available in the classic form designer at this stage Feature Gap
Add/Edit/Remove Navigation Link No Yes Managing Navigation Link items (Web Resource/External URL) in Related Table tab is only available in the classic form designer at this stage Feature Gap
Create new Business Rule No Yes There is no Business Rules Explorer in the modern form designer and creating a new Business Rule via form designer is only available in the classic form designer at this stage Feature Gap
Manage Form Libraries (JavaScript) and Event Handlers to the Form Fields Yes Yes Form libraries can now be added from the left side menu and Events tab is now available for all components in the Properties window on the right in the modern form designer.

Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage.
Feature Parity
Hide Related Table tab in Unified Interface No Yes The option to show/hide page navigation items (Related tab in Unified Interface) is only available in the classic form designer at this stage by updating the setting at Form Properties > Display > Page Navigation > "Show navigation items" checkbox (coming soon to modern form designer). Feature Gap
Show image in the form No Yes The option to enable showing the primary image at the top left of the form beside the primary name is only available in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add query string parameters to the form No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Reference Panel No Yes Not available in the modern form designer (coming soon), only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Preview/Remove Spacer No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Web Resource No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit IFRAME No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Timeline control Yes Yes The new form designer offers more timeline settings for Unified Interface timeline control.

Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage.
Improved Feature
Add/Edit Bing Maps No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Social Insights No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Timer No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Knowledge Base Search No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit ACI Control No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Predictive Lead Scoring No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add/Edit Predictive Opportunity Scoring No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap
Create / Update Card Form No Yes Not available in the modern form designer, only in the classic form designer at this stage. Feature Gap

View Designer
Capability Modern Classic Comparison Remarks
Add columns using the plus button in the canvas Yes No In the modern view designer, the columns can easily be added using the "+ View column" button in the canvas or by selecting columns in the left-hand column drawer.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-view-designer-for-model-driven-apps/
New Feature
Reorder columns and resize columns using drag-and-drop Yes No With drag-and-drop capabilities in the modern view designer, the columns can easily be reordered and resized to the perfect width.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-view-designer-for-model-driven-apps/
New Feature
Visualise the view with live preview data Yes No With the live preview in the modern view designer, the makers no longer have to save and publish to determine if the column widths are right.

Ref: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-the-new-view-designer-for-model-driven-apps/
New Feature
Search and filter in the columns list Yes No The columns list in modern view designer supports incremental search as well as the ability to filter and see only custom columns, making the task of finding and adding columns to the view fast and easy. No more browser search (Ctrl + F) as in classic view designer to find the column in a long list. New Feature
Save and publish the view in one click Yes No In the modern view designer, save and publish is also a single combined action helping reduce the clicks for one of the most common actions. New Feature
Undo changes to the view Yes No Changes in the modern view designer are instantly reflected in the view preview and can also be reverted using the Undo button in the command bar. New Feature
Create a new column Yes No In the modern view designer, a new column can be created as in the modern form designer. New Feature
Sort by more than 2 columns Yes No The modern view designer allows sorting more than two columns which was not possible previously via the user interface in the classic view designer. New Feature
Add filters and sorting inline Yes No The modern view designer allows to add filters and sorting inline by clicking on the arrow beside each column. New Feature
Edit filters using the advanced expression builder Yes Yes For more complex filter, the advanced expression builder can be used to filter on columns which are not in the view. For example, Accounts that do not have any related child Contact rows need to be shown. This can be achieved in Advanced Find with “Does not contain data” filter added in version 9.0. But system view with such filter criteria couldn't be created previously due to the limitation of classic view designer. But in advanced expression builder of the modern view designer, the makers have the ability to add any types of available clauses from the Advanced Find to the system views. Improved Feature
Configure Custom Controls for the View No Yes Configuring the Custom Controls for the View (e.g. Editable Grid, Calendar View) is not available in the maker portal, only in the solution explorer at this stage. Feature Gap
Add system columns Yes Yes The maker needs to change the column filter to "All" to add system columns (such as Created By, Created On, Modified By, Modified On, Owner, Status, Status Reason) and those columns are not available in the Default column list of the modern view designer. Different Behaviour

I will update the list as and when I find more updates to the Power Apps maker portal in the future.

Please leave a comment if you find any missing functionality or any frustrating behaviour with the Power Apps maker portal which is not in the list above and I will include those in the list.


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