List Down All JavaScript files and the Attached Forms with SQL Query
We can join DependencyNodeBase and DependencyBase tables to get the list of all JavaScript files and the Attached Forms in SQL Query.
For CRM Online or those who doesn't have access to SQL, you might have to develop a console application to Get list of all Web Resources and loop through the collection and Track Dependency for each component.
SELECT DISTINCT WebResource.Name, Entity.Name, SystemFormBase.Name
FROM DependencyNodeBase RequiredComponent
INNER JOIN WebResource ON WebResource.WebResourceId = RequiredComponent.ObjectId
INNER JOIN DependencyBase ON RequiredComponent.DependencyNodeId = DependencyBase.RequiredComponentNodeId
INNER JOIN DependencyNodeBase DependentComponent ON DependentComponent.DependencyNodeId = DependencyBase.DependentComponentNodeId
INNER JOIN SystemFormBase ON SystemFormBase.FormId = DependentComponent.ObjectId
INNER JOIN Entity ON Entity.ObjectTypeCode = SystemFormBase.ObjectTypeCode
WHERE WebResource.WebResourceType = 3 -- JavaScript
For CRM Online or those who doesn't have access to SQL, you might have to develop a console application to Get list of all Web Resources and loop through the collection and Track Dependency for each component.
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