Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Notebook
Activity Summary
Advanced Validation (Regular Expressions)
Appender for log4net (CodePlex)
Auto Number [GapConsulting]
Auto Number [jaimieji]Advanced Validation (Regular Expressions)
Appender for log4net (CodePlex)
Auto Number [GapConsulting]
Adding ImageTools to the CRM Attachment Image (CodePlex)
Bulk Creating Testing Data (CodePlex)
Controlling which Browsers Your Organization Supports
CRM 2011 Style Templates (CodePlex)
CRM Chart Map (CodePlex)
CrmFetchKit.js (CodePlex)
CrmRestKit.js (CodePlex) (How to)
CRM WF Date/Time Utilities (CodePlex)
Custom Ribbon Button to get the Guid of the record
Dependent Picklist (OptionSet)
Distribute Workflow Activity (CodePlex)
Duplicate Detection with jQuery (Download)
Dynamics CRM Custom Email for CRM 2011 (Email Templates for Custom Entities)
EasySearch - multi entities search (CodePlex)
Executing Dynamics CRM workflows based on a FetchXML query
Form Message Web Resource (CodePlex)
Formula ManagerBulk Creating Testing Data (CodePlex)
Controlling which Browsers Your Organization Supports
CRM 2011 Style Templates (CodePlex)
CRM Chart Map (CodePlex)
CrmFetchKit.js (CodePlex)
CrmRestKit.js (CodePlex) (How to)
CRM WF Date/Time Utilities (CodePlex)
Custom Ribbon Button to get the Guid of the record
Dependent Picklist (OptionSet)
Distribute Workflow Activity (CodePlex)
Duplicate Detection with jQuery (Download)
Dynamics CRM Custom Email for CRM 2011 (Email Templates for Custom Entities)
EasySearch - multi entities search (CodePlex)
Executing Dynamics CRM workflows based on a FetchXML query
Form Message Web Resource (CodePlex)
Fullname Plugin (CodePlex)
Generic Rollup (Aggregation) Solution (CodePlex)
Global Quick Search (CodePlex)
Global Search Add-ons
Google Maps Viewer (CodePlex)
Internal Email Helpers (CodePlex)
Many-to-Many (N:N) Relationship Entity View
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter
Multi File Upload control
Muti Select Pick List in Dynamics CRM 2011
Record Recovery by CRM Codex
SparkleXrm - Features (GitHub)
Statistics Solution for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 (CodePlex)
UI Navigation Record Counter (CodePlex)
Universal Search (MSPinPoint)
Update Notifications
Useful Ribbon Buttons
Whitespace Generator for CRM 2011 (CodePlex)
Workflow Manipulation Library (CodePlex)
Workflow Utilities by Gonzalo (CodePlex)
Workflow Utilities by Sonoma
Diesel Xrm Service Wrapper (turn any FetchXML query into WCF ) (GitHub)
XrmServiceToolkit (JavaScript Library for MSCRM 2011 & 2013) (CodePlex)
New Features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
MSDN Library: What's New for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Dynamics Exchange: What’s New in CRM 2011 Part 1
Dynamics Exchange: What’s New in CRM 2011 Part 2
Dynamics Exchange: What’s New in CRM 2011 Part 3
Best Practices for Developing with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
E-mail Router Installation, Configuration & Troubleshooting Resources
JavaScript Development Cheat Sheet
Kerberos in Load Balanced Environments
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Administrator's Guide
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Connectivity and Firewall Port Requirements
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Implementation Guide
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Licensing
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Licensing & Pricing Guide
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 User’s Guide
Mobile Express: Features and Limitations
More than 500 videos dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Surviving CRM: Dynamics CRM 2011 Walkthrough Part 1: new features in 74 slides
Surviving CRM: Dynamics CRM 2011 Walkthrough Part 2: another 100+ slides of new features
TechNet System Requirements and Required Components for MS CRM 2011
Troubleshooting Kerberos Authentication
10 Dynamics CRM 2011 Tips for Beginners (and maybe some Pros)
The Architecture of Team Security
CRM Relationships (Part 1, Part 2)
Goal Criteria and Dynamic Goals
Goals Management (Goal Metrics 1, Goal Metrics 2, Goal Metrics 3)
Isolated Dynamics CRM Security Feature – “Reparent”
List of Object Type Codes in Dynamics CRM 2011
Principal Object Access Table (POA)
Security Role UI to Privilege Mapping
Supported Messages and Entities for Plug-ins for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Upgrading Dynamics CRM 4.0-2011
Upgrading Best Practices
Using Dynamics CRM with SharePoint
Accessing and filtering WCF Data Service (oData) from sandboxed Plugin
Adding Stretch Targets To Personal Goal Progress Charts
Adding Stretch Targets To System Goal Progress Charts
Chart Tricks to make your charts look appealing
Add a view to the sitemap
Add Advanced Find Query to a Form Sub-grid
Add Auto Refresh to Dashboards
Adding CRM Report on an Entity Form
Adding Configuration Page in Solution (Part 1, Part 2)
Adding Images into a knowledge base article
Adding Knowledge Base Article
Adding the missing associated views to a CRM form (Generic WebResource Solution)
Adding New Report Category
Adding Tabs in Forms as CRM4.0
Archiving Reprots
Asynchronous Batch Process Pattern (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Asynchronous Ribbon Enable Rules and Executing Workflows from the Ribbon
Backup and Redeploy an Organisations Database (Import Organization)
Better Dynamics CRM E-mail Editor With Markdown
Building a Web Application That Connects to MS CRM 2011 Using Developer Extensions
Bulk Activate / Deactivate Records
Bulk Edit Connections
Bulk Edit Customize Dynamics CRM 2011 Entity Name Messages
Bulk Import Connections
Changing Default Activities ‘Filter on’ to ‘All’ (solution for UR12 and later)
Changing default organization for a CRM user
Changing execution time of Recurring System Jobs
Changing Form Header and Footer Colors
Changing Form Header Colour Based on the Field Value
Changing Icon for a Custom Entity
Changing maximum no. of controls in Dashboards
Cleaning up CRM Sync Entry tables
Colorize Grid Rows
Combine Look and Feel of Process Driven Forms with Functionality of Classic Forms
Communicating Custom ASPX pages with MS-CRM 2011 running IFD
Configure IFD Externally and Internally for a Single Virtual Environment
Configuring Service Calendar Appearance
Controlling CRM Popup Windows (Open Popups in a New Tab)
Converting Managed to Unmanaged Solution
Copy a Dynamics CRM 2011 Process
Creating a 3rd-Party Dashboard Widget
Creating Custom Filtered Lookup to Filter Records Based on Start and End date
Create Custom Get Started Pane Content
Creating Custom Workflow Step by Step (Part 1, Part 2)
Creating and Deploying XAML Workflows Using the Developer Toolkit
Creating Early-Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)
Create Lookup Attributes
Creating New Organization
Creating Personal View
Creating & Editing Templates for Marketing Emails
Creating Simple Webpage Leveraging The CRM 2011 IOrganizationService Web Service
Create Truly personal field with Field Level Security
Creating Workflow in CRM to Alert a Record’s Owner When an Activity/Note Is Added
CrmSvcUtil (How to use Part 1, Part 2) (Extending Part 1, Part 2)
Custom Lookup with multiple choices
Customize the new CRM 2011 UR12 process driven (Polaris) forms using JQuery and JavaScript
Customizing Sorting Priority in System Views and Personal Views
Data Snapshot Framework for Dynamics CRM
Database Optimization with DMVs
Deep Queries for Subgrids
Defining Error Report Preferences
Deleting ‘Two Option’ or ‘Bit’ fields which are used in Workflows
Deploy custom web application inside ISV folder
Difference between Secure & Unsecure Configuration in Plugin Registration tool (Another Post)
Difference between Custom Entity and Custom Activity
Difference between Managed and Unmanaged Solutions
Disable Duplicate Detection Save button on Popup
Disable Form Assistant for selected fields
Display an HTML Web Resource in a Form with No Border
Displaying an SharePoint document library as a subgrid or iframe
Dynamic navigation links using HTML Web Resource
Email Router Setup and Settings
Embed CRM reports in IFrames using the CRM Report Viewer
Enabling Kerberos for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Export entities from one organization and import to another while changing the ownership of the entity
Export Limitation from Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Microsoft Excel
Fetch-Xml based Reports: Bits & Pieces
Filter view on dashboard with html web resource
ForceSubmit vs setSubmitMode in CRM 2011 Javascript
Getting New CRM Organization ready for XRM
Getting Reopened incident count using FetchXML
Getting Service URL Alternative to context.getServerUrl()
Getting Started with CRM Online Fetch XML Reporting
Getting Shared Records for a User/Team
Hide Entity from Advanced Find
Hiding Entity from Advanced Find
Hiding Left Navigation Menu Items in an Entity Form using Javascript
Hiding Left Navigation from Form
Hiding Reports from Certain Users
Hiding Toolbar from the SSRS Report while using them in Dashboard
Home Button to Bring up Main CRM Window
Hosk’s Study notes – CRM 2011 Customization and configuration
How to add images into a knowledge base article
How to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 without an Internet Connection
How to open CRM as a different user
How to Set a Read-Only Field and Capture a User’s Response Using a Dialog
How to Set up Remote Debugging for Plugins
How to Setup Visual Studio Remote Debugging
How to use “ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx” in Web Resource HTML
Import of marketing list members using standard import with small extensions
Importing Attachments Programmatically
Importing Attachments using OOB Import Wizard in Dynamics
Importing File Attachments using Import Data wizard
Importing Data using Data Import Wizard
Importing Notes Attachments
Improving CRM Performance under Windows 2008 using IIS7 Output Caching feature
Increase the records per page to more than 250 rows
Increasing File Upload Size
Increasing the performance of Excel dynamic worksheets
Installing 2-server CRM 2011 with Service Accounts and Minimum Permissions
Installing CRM 2011 via Command Line and XML Config File
Installing Rollup Update without updating the database
Integrating Sharepoint document link in C# webservice
Javascript Intellisense
Link two subgrids on a form together (parent-child-grids)
Mail Merge
Merging Custom Entity Records with Dialog
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Style Guide
Modifying “Created On” Value (Part 1, Part 2)
Modifying Duplicate Detection View
Multi-Language Lookups
Multi-Select OptionSet Unsupported Method
Multi-Select OptionSet Web Resource method
N-N Relationship control: Checklistbox style
Outer Joins in Fetch XML Queries
Pass Custom Parameters to an entity form through a URL
Qualifying a Lead using a Dialog Process
Query Expression No Lock Property
Reading Error Codes for "An unexpected error occurred"
Reassigning All of the Records Owned by a User
Recreating Goals with a Dialog
Reference an image in Web Resource from Site Map or Ribbon
Relink System User to AD User
Resetting the Dynamics CRM 2011 Ribbon
Resolving Unique Column Names Error with the OrgDbOrgSettings Tool
Restrict/Hide Sitemap SubArea by Security Role
Retrieving Plugin DLLs from MS CRM Database
Save and Publish Button for Forms and WebResources
Scheduling Work Hours and Business Closure
Searching for Records based on the Relationship with Another Entity using Marketing List
Service Contracts & Service Scheduling
Set the Value of Date Only Field the same for all Timezones
Setting a Blank iFrame
Setting Caller (Sender) Field Dynamically
Setting Default View in the Sitemap
Skip Pending E-mail Warning on Login
Sharing Secured Fields
Show Forms Without the Ribbon
Show Originating Lead Notes in Accounts and Contacts in iFrame
Single Sign-on from a Custom Web Page
SMS and Fax Integration
Solution package using Visual Studio 2011
Solutions in CRM 2011 – Management and Best Practices (Part 1, Part 2)
Spell checking in a CRM form
Steps to change Server URL/Machine name after deploying
Timeouts and Limits
Tracing Outlook Client
Tricks to Reduce Clicks in Dynamics CRM
Triggering Plug-in From a Ribbon Button
Triggering Save of ASPX pages within iFrame onSave of the form
Troubleshooting Kerberos Authentication
Turn off 5000 limit on data retrieval via SDK
Understanding Createdon and Overriddencreatedon
Unit testing custom Microsoft Dynamics CRM code (Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6, Part7, Part8)
Unmasking CRM's PrincipalObjectAccess table
Unsupported method for adding Calibri in email font selection
User Impersonation in Plugins, Workflow and Dialogs
Using Dialogs for Multi-Select OptionSets
Using Dialog to Create Multiple Records
Using PowerShell to Enable SDK Message Throttling
When should I use plug-ins vs. custom workflows?
Workaround for 10,000 Record Limit on Excel Exports
Accessing Main form fields from Nav Area via Jscript
Accessing Parent Form from a Child Form
Adding Additional Condition to Lookup View in CRM 2011 Based on the Current Default View (addCustomFilter for CRM 2011)
Adding CRM 2011 Style Buttons
Basic JavaScript Reference
Bind a function to the Sub-Grid refresh event
Bulk refresh of user details from AD
Bypassing Prompt and Refresh the Form
Call a function in an HTML Web Resource from another JavaScript Web Resource
Call External Webservice with Javascript Asynchronously
Call Web Service from HTML page using Jquery
Canceling the Save Operation
Change the default view of a view selection combo box
Close MS CRM 2011 Form without Prompt
Converting Option Set in to a Checkbox list
Copy Lookup Values
Create a dynamic dialog launcher menu (oData Query, FetchXML)
Cross Domain Calls Part 1, Part 2,
Custom ToolTips
Debugging CRM JavaScript code in IE8
Debugging JavaScript
Debugging JavaScript in Visual Studio
Debugging JavaScript without ever deploying them
Detect Browser
Different Field Widths within same Column
Disable the Sub-Grid
Disabling all Fields on the Form
Disabling View Picker in a Lookup Attribute
Displaying Custom Advance Find view in Iframe
Display an Entity Form Based on the OptionSet Field
Display Lookup as a Dropdown
Dynamic Cascading Picklists
Dynamic Optionset and Configurable Values Storing the Values in Textbox
Dynamically Show Different Form onLoad (Another Post)
Enable Disable Notes Control
Events in onSave method (List of event.Mode)
Exception Handling Tips for JavaScript in MS CRM 2011 Ribbon
Excessive Sub-Gridding for more than 4
Extended Handling of Save Events
Filtered Lookup for "Add Existing..." Button of a CRM N:N View
Filtered Lookup view using JavaScript
Filtering Subgrid for UR12 (Polaris)
Get Currency Symbol Based on Currency ID
Get Current User Date and Time Format setting
Get Current User ID and Name
Get Current user's full name with a synchronous call
Get Selected Record Guid from a Subgrid
Getting IFrame Window Reference With contentWindow
Getting all the Selected Records ID for the Bulk Edit FormHide Form Left Navigation JavaScript
Hide Date part from CRM DateTime Field
Insert Custom button on CRM Form using Javascript (Alternative: Custom Button on CRM Form)
JavaScript Bookmark Series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
JScript Library of Common Functions by Gareth Tucker
Link two subgrids on a form together (parent-child-grids)
Lookup data from a related entity (Lookup) using JScript and the XrmServiceToolkit
New Xrm.Utility Functions in Update Rollup 8
Parameters from Subgrids
Passing Execution Context to Onchange Events
Passing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Data From a Page as a Parameter to Ribbon Actions
Performing Create Update Delete Operations synchronously in CRM 2011 through OData JSON
Populate Lookup Field with String Value (without GUID) using Automatic Resolution
Populate Regarding Attribute in New Email Form
Propagating the plug-in invalid exception message in JavaScript code
Read Records Synchronously using OData JSON
Reducing Javascript Code Footprint with Microsoft Ajax Minifier tool
Refresh Opening Grid View from a Form
Refresh the Homepage Grid
Replacing ActiveXObject with SOAP Messaging for Cross-Browser Compatibility
Retrieve all of the field names in a Tab
Script# (C# to Javascript) Meets Dynamics CRM 2011
Scroll a Tab to the top when is expanded
Set Field Values Using Parameters Passed to a Form
Set Form as Read Only
Setting Default Entity Type and Default View for Regarding/Customer Lookup
Setting focus on a SubGrid (Solution)
Setting IFrame control content dynamically
Setting Lookup Value
Setting Tooltips for Disabled Ribbon Buttons
Show all Sub-Grids data in entity form (More then 4+ Sub-Grids)
Show Loading message during function execution in CRM Form
Show Custom Alerts in notifications area (Add notifications to entity form, Custom Form Notification, Show Info / Warning / Error message in Notification Area, Showing custom Alerts) (Custom Form Notifications for UR12 and above)
Showing Custom Form Alerts
Submit a Bulk Duplicate Detection Job
Sum Total from Sub-Grid
Toggling Tab Visibility Based On Another Tab
Update records of a Sub-Grid using OData JSON JQuery
Unit testing JavaScript web resources
Unsupported JavaScripts for UR12 Changes
Update read only fields with Javascript
Using Advanced Find to View Appointments and Recurring Appointments
Wait for a grid to load and then check for rows
Plugin and Custom Workflow Activities
Associate plugin for many to many relationship
Associate/Disassociate plugin messages
CallerOrigin in plugins
Clone associated records(child records) along with parent record
Controlling Duplicate Detection
Create a Change Log using PreEntityImage and PostEntityImage
Custom Workflow Activity to Aggregate Details
Debugging Plug-Ins by attaching to the Service Processes
Debugging Plug-ins using SerializePluginContext
Debugging Plug-in using the Plug-in Profiler (MSDN Article)
Debugging Workflow Custom Activities with Plugin Registration Tool
Difference between setting OwnerId and AssignRequest in Create Plugin
Difference between UserId and InitiatingUserId
Download the Attachment of a Note within a Plugin
Exception handling in Custom Workflow Activities
Extract data with regular expressions using Custom Workflow
Get the current user inside a Workflow
Getting state of a record in Plugin and using setStateDynamicEntity
Hiding System/Custom Views
Impersonation in Plug-Ins
Implementing Robust Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Auto-Numbering Using Transactions
Pass Data Between Plug-ins using SharedVariables
QualifyLead PlugIn
Read Configuration file (Web resource - Data (Xml)) in CRM-Plugin
Restore Deleted Records with a Recycle bin
Restrict Entity Activate, Deactivate Security Privileges
Schedule recurring Custom Workflows with FetchXML
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 1
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 2
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 3
Triggering a plugin on Sharing a Record
Triggering Plugins / Workflows when Associating Entities (N:N)
Update the parent record when children records are created or updated
Update children records when parent record is updated
Use Security Roles to Grant the Activate and Deactivate Feature of an Entity
Using regular expressions in Custom Workflow processes
Using Plug-Ins To Modify Views
Using PreEntityImages and PostEntityImages in Custom Workflow Activities
Workflow assembly to cancel waiting workflows (Part 1, Part 2)
Working with Field Level Security from a Plugin
Writing Basic Plugin
Adding Record to Queue via Workflow
Assign Owner and Route Case to Queue Using Workflow
Calculate the Weighted Value of an Opportunity in CRM via Workflow
Comparing Values via a Dynamics CRM Check Condition
Creating Custom Workflow Activities
Create Recursive or Scheduled Workflows in CRM
Creating Workflow to Alert a Record’s Owner When an Activity/Note Is Added
Design High Availability Workflows
Dynamic Clickable Email Hyperlink in Workflow
Executing a WorkFlow from a Plugin
Making a Repeatable Dialog
Multiple Waiting Workflows when Wait Conditions and Timeouts Are Triggered on Field Change
Populate Two Options values when creating a record in a dialog
Prevent Users from Going Back With Child Dialogs
Round Robin Assignment
Scheduling Workflows in Microsoft CRM Online
Send Workflow Email from Executing User
Time and Condition Based Workflows
Using Dialog to Create Multiple Records
Wait/Timeout in On Demand Custom Workflows
Workflow Templates, Automatically Deleting Jobs and Activity Count
Audit Report in SSRSConverting a SQL report to FecthXML
Creating custom SSRS report in MSCRM
Creating E-mail activity with PDF format custom SSRS report as an attachment
Creating Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Creating Reports in CRM 2011 using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Creating Simple CRM Online Report
Custom Report in MSCRM using Stored Proc
CRM Reporting Tips And Hints – II. CRMAF binding not working
CRM Reports on Role Privileges
Date Time field in custom SSRS report
Date Time format in SSRS report
Display more than 2000 characters in SSRS report
Excel Export Formatting
Fetch Xml based Reports: Bits & Pieces
Getting Started with Fetch XML Reporting
Hiding Tool Bar from the SSRS Report while using them in Dashboard
Hierarchical report in SSRS to show users and their managers (CRM)
"On or Before" and "On or After" conditions inside FetchXML Reports
Opening Report in a new window from Action in SSRS
Pre-Filtering for CRM Reporting
Publishing Reports for External Use and Generation of Reports through Code
Quickly Create Reports for CRM 2011 with BIDS
Renaming the Exported Report Files using JavaScript
Report Development using FetchXML
Retrieving Hierarchical Records - Recursive FetchXML
SQL Reporting Services and Working Days across datasets
SSRS Lookup Function - Merge Aggregate Datasets
Tips for better performing Microsoft Dynamics CRM SQL reports in SSRS
T-SQL Union operation and FetchXml based reports
Using CRM Report Wizard as the Foundation for Custom Reports
Adding Attach File button on Custom Activity Type Entity
Adding CustomRule to Out of Box Ribbon Button
Adding Reply Button onto Custom Activity
Creating a Workflow Shortcut Ribbon Button
Creating a Dialog Shortcut Ribbon Button
Disable Sub Grid record buttons in ribbon based on Parent record’s value
Enable/Disable Out of Box buttons (Sub-Grid) based on a custom rule
Enable/Disable Ribbon button dynamically based on a form value
Getting Current View ID from Ribbon Button
Hiding “Add Existing” button
Launch a Dialog on click of custom ribbon button
Managing Access to Activate/Deactivate Ribbon Buttons
Override the Delete Button
Overriding Standard Dialogs by Replacing with Custom Button and Dialogs
Referencing Multiple Javascript Libraries in Homepage Ribbon Buttons
Refreshing Associated or SubGrid from Ribbon button
Resetting the Ribbon
Ribbon Customisation Display Rules
Ribbon Customization for Custom Activity
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 1: ribbon content and structure
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 2: updating the ribbon
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 3: Group Templates
Programmatically Retrieve Documents from SharePoint
Integrating CRM 2011 using SQL Integration Services 2012
SSIS 2012 Deployment Model and Mapping SSIS Parameters to Environment Variables
Sample Codes
.NET Sample Codes
Adding a Custom Attribute to an Entity
Adding Record to Queue via C# Code
AddToQueueRequest via Workflow, JScript, C# Code & Using in Plugin
Associate Two Entity Instances
Assign a Record to a Team or User
Assigning a Security Role to Team
Assigning an Entity to a User
Auto Create Price List Item for Products
Book an Appointment Using C#
Booking an Appointment
Cancel/postpone Workfow Instance using C#
Cancel/Terminate Workflow Programmatically using C#
Check if an Entity can be the Primary Entity in a One-To-Many Relationship
Check if an Entity can be the Referencing (Many) Entity in a One-To-Many Relationship
Check if an Entity can Participate in Many-To-Many Relationships
Checking if the date is a business day
Checking whether a Relationship exists between two Entities
Cloning Closed Activity
Close an Opportunity Record as Won
Code to Create, Retrieve, Deactivate, Renew an Invoiced Contract and Contract Template
Code to Create Update , Retrieve and Delete Email Attachment
Code to Create, Validate and Close Incident and Appointment
Connect CRM 2011 without using SDK/using .Net Framework 3.5 (Entity Class redefined, OrganizationRequest and OrganizationResponse)
Create a New Entity
Create a One-To Many Relationship Between Two Entities
Create an OptionSet
Creating and Attaching Attachment to Email Template
Creating and Attaching text file to notes
Creating and Distributing Campaign with Dynamic and Static List
Creating and Distributing Quick Campaign
Creating Connection through C# Code
Creating Custom Activity and Attributes
Creating Custom Entity and Attribute using C#
Creating Forward Email through SDK
Creating Letter Entity record
Create static marketing list and associated marketing list member
Creating, Updating, Retrieving and Associating Connection Role and Connections
Creating WorkFlow Activity and the use of Output parameters
Create, Assign and Retrieving Field Permission in C#
Determining if an Entity is Eligible to Participate in a Relationship Type Using VB.NET
Disassociate Two Entity Instances
Delete Custom Attribute From an Entity
Delete E-mail Attachments
Delete OptionSet
Delete Relationship Between Entity Types
EntityQueryExpression for filtering the required Metadata
ExecuteMultipleRequest method
Export a Saved Import Map using C#
Fetching team members for selected Team
Getting List of User Security Roles
Getting OptionSetValue Label Text
Getting Total Record Count
Getting Total Members count of a Dynamic Marketing List
Merge and Update Merged Entity Record Content
Microsoft Dynamics CRM SOAP Logger
Multi-Language Lookups
Programmatically change the customization for a system/custom entity
PublishXmlRequest SDK message to publish an Entity or a Web Resource
Querying Audit Data to Determine When A User Last Logged In
Read Entity Attributes (RetrieveEntityRequest)
Retrieve fault entity IDs when performing ExecuteMultiple
Retrieve Optionset Labels and Values
Qualifing a Lead
Querying Data with QueryByAttribute
Querying Data with QueryExpression
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Slots Using VB.NET
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Blocks Using C#
Reassigning and Publishing Workflow
Retrieve Dynamic marketing list member
Retrieve static marketing list member
Retrieving an Entity Instance
Retrieve Entity Logical Name from a record GUID
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in C#
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in VB.NET
Retrieving Metadata For All Entities
Retrieving OptionSet Text using C#
Retrieving OptionSets Label Text
Retrieving Schedule of Multiple users
Retrieving Schedule of System user
Retrieve Used Resources for an Organization and Storage Quota Info
Retrieving all the members of a Static Marketing List
Run ondemand workflow from C# code
Sample codes for Retrieve and Retrieve Multiple
Search in EntityCollection using Linq
Sending Email to Unresolved Recipients
Sending emails to a specific address
Setting Values Programmatically via the CRM 2011 SDK
Share/Unshare a Record with a Team
Sharing a Record
Submit a Bulk Duplicate Detection Job Using C#
Update an Entity Instance
Update the Last Form Viewed in UserEntityUISettings Entity
Using DeleteRequest to Delete an Entity
Using Early Bound Entity Classes for Create, Update, and Delete
Using RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest to get the ribbon definition of an Entity
Using SetStateRequest to Deactivate Record
Using wsdlbasedproxies with Claims authentication
Validating and Setting State of Entity Record
Validating an AppointmentValidating the Constraints of an Appointment are Met Using C#
JavaScript Sample Codes
Adding Record to Queue via JScript Code
AddToQueueRequest via Workflow, JScript, C# Code & Using in Plugin
Book an Appointment Using JScript
Calculate age
Checking user rights on client side
Clone an entity record via JavaScript
Clone the record from Javascript
Clone a Record with JavaScript
Convert HTML e-mail to plain text
Create, Update , Delete Record using Javascript
Create an email activity using REST Endpoints
Export a Saved Import Map using JScript
Get the Object Type Code of an Entity
Get Current fiscal year
Get Current User Role and Role Name
Getting all updated fields in javascript
InstantiateTemplateRequest using Javascript
Opening new activity form with ‘Regarding’ field prefilled
OptionSet JavaScript Helper Library
Publishing Selected Web Resources
Querying Audit Data to Determine When A User Last Logged In
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Blocks
Reading XML file using Javascript
Retrieving all the members of a Static Marketing List
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in JScript
Run a workflow using JavaScript
Set Account's Primary Contact as Recipient when creating a new Phone Call
Soap XML Retrieve using javascript
Soap XML RetrieveMultiple using javascript
Submit a Bulk Duplicate Detection Job using JScript
Trigger a workflow from JavaScript (<UR12)
Updating Price Per Unit When Selecting a Product
Validate the Constraints of an Appointment are Met using JScript
Associate/Disassociate plugin messages
CallerOrigin in plugins
Clone associated records(child records) along with parent record
Controlling Duplicate Detection
Create a Change Log using PreEntityImage and PostEntityImage
Custom Workflow Activity to Aggregate Details
Debugging Plug-Ins by attaching to the Service Processes
Debugging Plug-ins using SerializePluginContext
Debugging Plug-in using the Plug-in Profiler (MSDN Article)
Debugging Workflow Custom Activities with Plugin Registration Tool
Difference between setting OwnerId and AssignRequest in Create Plugin
Difference between UserId and InitiatingUserId
Download the Attachment of a Note within a Plugin
Exception handling in Custom Workflow Activities
Extract data with regular expressions using Custom Workflow
Get the current user inside a Workflow
Getting state of a record in Plugin and using setStateDynamicEntity
Hiding System/Custom Views
Impersonation in Plug-Ins
Implementing Robust Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Auto-Numbering Using Transactions
Pass Data Between Plug-ins using SharedVariables
QualifyLead PlugIn
Read Configuration file (Web resource - Data (Xml)) in CRM-Plugin
Restore Deleted Records with a Recycle bin
Restrict Entity Activate, Deactivate Security Privileges
Schedule recurring Custom Workflows with FetchXML
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 1
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 2
Step by step plugin tutorial using Developer's Toolkit Part 3
Triggering a plugin on Sharing a Record
Triggering Plugins / Workflows when Associating Entities (N:N)
Update the parent record when children records are created or updated
Update children records when parent record is updated
Use Security Roles to Grant the Activate and Deactivate Feature of an Entity
Using regular expressions in Custom Workflow processes
Using Plug-Ins To Modify Views
Using PreEntityImages and PostEntityImages in Custom Workflow Activities
Workflow assembly to cancel waiting workflows (Part 1, Part 2)
Working with Field Level Security from a Plugin
Writing Basic Plugin
Adding Record to Queue via Workflow
Assign Owner and Route Case to Queue Using Workflow
Calculate the Weighted Value of an Opportunity in CRM via Workflow
Comparing Values via a Dynamics CRM Check Condition
Creating Custom Workflow Activities
Create Recursive or Scheduled Workflows in CRM
Creating Workflow to Alert a Record’s Owner When an Activity/Note Is Added
Design High Availability Workflows
Dynamic Clickable Email Hyperlink in Workflow
Executing a WorkFlow from a Plugin
Making a Repeatable Dialog
Multiple Waiting Workflows when Wait Conditions and Timeouts Are Triggered on Field Change
Populate Two Options values when creating a record in a dialog
Prevent Users from Going Back With Child Dialogs
Round Robin Assignment
Scheduling Workflows in Microsoft CRM Online
Send Workflow Email from Executing User
Time and Condition Based Workflows
Using Dialog to Create Multiple Records
Wait/Timeout in On Demand Custom Workflows
Workflow Templates, Automatically Deleting Jobs and Activity Count
Audit Report in SSRSConverting a SQL report to FecthXML
Creating custom SSRS report in MSCRM
Creating E-mail activity with PDF format custom SSRS report as an attachment
Creating Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Creating Reports in CRM 2011 using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Creating Simple CRM Online Report
Custom Report in MSCRM using Stored Proc
CRM Reporting Tips And Hints – II. CRMAF binding not working
CRM Reports on Role Privileges
Date Time field in custom SSRS report
Date Time format in SSRS report
Display more than 2000 characters in SSRS report
Excel Export Formatting
Fetch Xml based Reports: Bits & Pieces
Getting Started with Fetch XML Reporting
Hiding Tool Bar from the SSRS Report while using them in Dashboard
Hierarchical report in SSRS to show users and their managers (CRM)
"On or Before" and "On or After" conditions inside FetchXML Reports
Opening Report in a new window from Action in SSRS
Pre-Filtering for CRM Reporting
Publishing Reports for External Use and Generation of Reports through Code
Quickly Create Reports for CRM 2011 with BIDS
Renaming the Exported Report Files using JavaScript
Report Development using FetchXML
Retrieving Hierarchical Records - Recursive FetchXML
SQL Reporting Services and Working Days across datasets
SSRS Lookup Function - Merge Aggregate Datasets
Tips for better performing Microsoft Dynamics CRM SQL reports in SSRS
T-SQL Union operation and FetchXml based reports
Using CRM Report Wizard as the Foundation for Custom Reports
Adding Attach File button on Custom Activity Type Entity
Adding CustomRule to Out of Box Ribbon Button
Adding Reply Button onto Custom Activity
Creating a Workflow Shortcut Ribbon Button
Creating a Dialog Shortcut Ribbon Button
Disable Sub Grid record buttons in ribbon based on Parent record’s value
Enable/Disable Out of Box buttons (Sub-Grid) based on a custom rule
Enable/Disable Ribbon button dynamically based on a form value
Getting Current View ID from Ribbon Button
Hiding “Add Existing” button
Launch a Dialog on click of custom ribbon button
Managing Access to Activate/Deactivate Ribbon Buttons
Override the Delete Button
Overriding Standard Dialogs by Replacing with Custom Button and Dialogs
Referencing Multiple Javascript Libraries in Homepage Ribbon Buttons
Refreshing Associated or SubGrid from Ribbon button
Resetting the Ribbon
Ribbon Customisation Display Rules
Ribbon Customization for Custom Activity
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 1: ribbon content and structure
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 2: updating the ribbon
Understanding CRM Ribbon XML - Part 3: Group Templates
Programmatically Retrieve Documents from SharePoint
Integrating CRM 2011 using SQL Integration Services 2012
SSIS 2012 Deployment Model and Mapping SSIS Parameters to Environment Variables
Sample Codes
.NET Sample Codes
Adding a Custom Attribute to an Entity
Adding Record to Queue via C# Code
AddToQueueRequest via Workflow, JScript, C# Code & Using in Plugin
Associate Two Entity Instances
Assign a Record to a Team or User
Assigning a Security Role to Team
Assigning an Entity to a User
Auto Create Price List Item for Products
Book an Appointment Using C#
Booking an Appointment
Cancel/postpone Workfow Instance using C#
Cancel/Terminate Workflow Programmatically using C#
Check if an Entity can be the Primary Entity in a One-To-Many Relationship
Check if an Entity can be the Referencing (Many) Entity in a One-To-Many Relationship
Check if an Entity can Participate in Many-To-Many Relationships
Checking if the date is a business day
Checking whether a Relationship exists between two Entities
Cloning Closed Activity
Close an Opportunity Record as Won
Code to Create, Retrieve, Deactivate, Renew an Invoiced Contract and Contract Template
Code to Create Update , Retrieve and Delete Email Attachment
Code to Create, Validate and Close Incident and Appointment
Connect CRM 2011 without using SDK/using .Net Framework 3.5 (Entity Class redefined, OrganizationRequest and OrganizationResponse)
Create a New Entity
Create a One-To Many Relationship Between Two Entities
Create an OptionSet
Creating and Attaching Attachment to Email Template
Creating and Attaching text file to notes
Creating and Distributing Campaign with Dynamic and Static List
Creating and Distributing Quick Campaign
Creating Connection through C# Code
Creating Custom Activity and Attributes
Creating Custom Entity and Attribute using C#
Creating Forward Email through SDK
Creating Letter Entity record
Create static marketing list and associated marketing list member
Creating, Updating, Retrieving and Associating Connection Role and Connections
Creating WorkFlow Activity and the use of Output parameters
Create, Assign and Retrieving Field Permission in C#
Determining if an Entity is Eligible to Participate in a Relationship Type Using VB.NET
Disassociate Two Entity Instances
Delete Custom Attribute From an Entity
Delete E-mail Attachments
Delete OptionSet
Delete Relationship Between Entity Types
EntityQueryExpression for filtering the required Metadata
ExecuteMultipleRequest method
Export a Saved Import Map using C#
Fetching team members for selected Team
Getting List of User Security Roles
Getting OptionSetValue Label Text
Getting Total Record Count
Getting Total Members count of a Dynamic Marketing List
Merge and Update Merged Entity Record Content
Microsoft Dynamics CRM SOAP Logger
Multi-Language Lookups
Programmatically change the customization for a system/custom entity
PublishXmlRequest SDK message to publish an Entity or a Web Resource
Querying Audit Data to Determine When A User Last Logged In
Read Entity Attributes (RetrieveEntityRequest)
Retrieve fault entity IDs when performing ExecuteMultiple
Retrieve Optionset Labels and Values
Qualifing a Lead
Querying Data with QueryByAttribute
Querying Data with QueryExpression
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Slots Using VB.NET
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Blocks Using C#
Reassigning and Publishing Workflow
Retrieve Dynamic marketing list member
Retrieve static marketing list member
Retrieving an Entity Instance
Retrieve Entity Logical Name from a record GUID
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in C#
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in VB.NET
Retrieving Metadata For All Entities
Retrieving OptionSet Text using C#
Retrieving OptionSets Label Text
Retrieving Schedule of Multiple users
Retrieving Schedule of System user
Retrieve Used Resources for an Organization and Storage Quota Info
Retrieving all the members of a Static Marketing List
Run ondemand workflow from C# code
Sample codes for Retrieve and Retrieve Multiple
Search in EntityCollection using Linq
Sending Email to Unresolved Recipients
Sending emails to a specific address
Setting Values Programmatically via the CRM 2011 SDK
Share/Unshare a Record with a Team
Sharing a Record
Submit a Bulk Duplicate Detection Job Using C#
Update an Entity Instance
Update the Last Form Viewed in UserEntityUISettings Entity
Using DeleteRequest to Delete an Entity
Using Early Bound Entity Classes for Create, Update, and Delete
Using RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest to get the ribbon definition of an Entity
Using SetStateRequest to Deactivate Record
Using wsdlbasedproxies with Claims authentication
Validating and Setting State of Entity Record
Validating an AppointmentValidating the Constraints of an Appointment are Met Using C#
JavaScript Sample Codes
Adding Record to Queue via JScript Code
AddToQueueRequest via Workflow, JScript, C# Code & Using in Plugin
Book an Appointment Using JScript
Calculate age
Checking user rights on client side
Clone an entity record via JavaScript
Clone the record from Javascript
Clone a Record with JavaScript
Convert HTML e-mail to plain text
Create, Update , Delete Record using Javascript
Create an email activity using REST Endpoints
Export a Saved Import Map using JScript
Get the Object Type Code of an Entity
Get Current fiscal year
Get Current User Role and Role Name
Getting all updated fields in javascript
InstantiateTemplateRequest using Javascript
Opening new activity form with ‘Regarding’ field prefilled
OptionSet JavaScript Helper Library
Publishing Selected Web Resources
Querying Audit Data to Determine When A User Last Logged In
Querying User's Schedule for Open Time Blocks
Reading XML file using Javascript
Retrieving all the members of a Static Marketing List
Retrieving Metadata for an Entity in JScript
Run a workflow using JavaScript
Set Account's Primary Contact as Recipient when creating a new Phone Call
Soap XML Retrieve using javascript
Soap XML RetrieveMultiple using javascript
Submit a Bulk Duplicate Detection Job using JScript
Trigger a workflow from JavaScript (<UR12)
Updating Price Per Unit When Selecting a Product
Validate the Constraints of an Appointment are Met using JScript
Silverlight / REST Endpoint
Applying Dynamics CRM 2011 styles to a Silverlight applicationAssign a record to another User
Associate an Entity Record with Another
Associate a record as Activity Party to an activity
Consuming custom WCF Data Services (oData) Endpoint (Javascript/jQuery and c#) (Part 1, Part 2)
Create Entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 from Silverlight
Create, Update, Delete , Retrieve, MultipleRetrieve using Organization OData Service
Create Silverlight Web Resources
Delete an Entity Record
Disassociate an Entity Record From Another Entity Record
Debugging Silverlight Web Resources without deploying
Early bound Entity Types in Silverlight
Getting Current User ID and Organization ID in SIlverlight Using WhoAmIRequest
Getting Text Value of an OptionSetValue Using LINQ
Interact with CRM form objects from Silverlight through the HTML Bridge
Lookup functionality in a Silverlight Data Grid
OData, REST and the QueryString
ODATA retrieval
Pass data from a Form to an embedded Silverlight web resource
Scaling Silverlight Web Resources
Setting Optionset as datasource in Silverlight Combobox
Using the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources with Silverlight
Using the Dynamic Type in Silverlight to Easily Access The Client-Side API
Accessing Dynamics CRM filtered views using a SQL Server account
Adding a Deployment Admin in MSCRM with T-SQL (Alternative)
Assigning Accounts to Contacts with a SQL Script
Finding the number of users connected to a SQL Server database
Getting the Security role with the specified privilage
Getting more than 5000 records in CRM Views
Get the Last Login Date and Time of a CRM Instance
List Down All JavaScript files and the Attached Forms with SQL Query
Listing Organizations and their Users
Listing Reserved Word
Adding a Deployment Admin in MSCRM with T-SQL (Alternative)
Assigning Accounts to Contacts with a SQL Script
Finding the number of users connected to a SQL Server database
Getting the Security role with the specified privilage
Getting more than 5000 records in CRM Views
Get the Last Login Date and Time of a CRM Instance
List Down All JavaScript files and the Attached Forms with SQL Query
Listing Organizations and their Users
Listing Reserved Word
Listing User’s Organizations
Locate Plugins and Steps
Querying Activities Using FilteredActivityPointer
Query Labels of Attribute and picklist / option set metadata
Reading Subject sub-child from tree structure
Remove Mass Waiting Workflows
Locate Plugins and Steps
Querying Activities Using FilteredActivityPointer
Query Labels of Attribute and picklist / option set metadata
Reading Subject sub-child from tree structure
Remove Mass Waiting Workflows
Retrieve Label/Values of OptionSet/Two Options Attributes using SQL Script
Searching for a string in all tables of SQL Server Database
Tie an Existing OptionSet to a Global OptionSet
Un-responsive Import Solution Dialog
Update IsManaged and System Flags to Allow Deletion of OOB Components
Updating User Time Zone from SQL Query
Searching for a string in all tables of SQL Server Database
Tie an Existing OptionSet to a Global OptionSet
Un-responsive Import Solution Dialog
Update IsManaged and System Flags to Allow Deletion of OOB Components
Updating User Time Zone from SQL Query
Convert VDI to VMDK – VirtualBox to VMware
Duplicate a Virtual Box Image
Edit the password policy on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Active Directory
Encrypt web.config files
How to Resize a Microsoft Virtual Hard Drive (VHD) File
How to Resize an Oracle VM VirtualBox 4 .vdi file
Manual mounting shared folder in Oracle VM VirtualBox
Shrinking VirtualBox VDI Files
.NET Code Migrator for Dynamics CRM (CodePlex)
Advanced CRM Helper by CrmXpress (Download)
Bulk Export Solution (CodePlex)
CrmDiagTool (CodePlex)
CRM Early Bound Generator (CodePlex)
Connection Control Assembly for Custom Tools (CodePlex)
Count CRM Users
CRM 2011 Customizations Comparer (CodePlex)
CRM 2011 ERD designer (CodePlex)
CRM 2011 Visual Studio Tools
CRM 2011 Web Resource Linker/Publisher (CodePlex)
CRM 2011 Word Documentor
CRM Data Detective (CodePlex)
CRM DevTools (Chrome Extension)
CRM Sitemap Editor
CRM Trace Log Viewer
Custom Code Validation Tool (Download)
Diagnostic Tool to check On Premises CRM 2011 Server Performace
Dynamics Xrm Application Speed Builder (CodePlex)
Dynamics CRM 2011 T4 Code Generator (CodePlex)
E4D CRM 2011 Ribbon Customization Utility (CodePlex)
EasyPlugins - Setting up Plugins in Graphical Way (CodePlex)
Excel Data Model Addin (CodePlex)
Excel Export Record Limit Increment Tool
Export Import User Views (CodePlex)
Export Web Resources
Find Privilege Utility
Form Query String Parameter Tool (Download)
Guid Finder Solution for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 (CodePlex)
Import/Export N to N Relationships Tool (CodePlex)
JavaScript Bookmark to Enter Debug Mode of CRM Form (Show Logical Names of the Attributes)
JavaScript SOAP Request Formatter (CodePlex)
JavaScript Model Generator (CodePlex)
JavaScript Web Resource Manager (CodePlex)
Local to Global Option Set Converter (CodePlex)
Maintenance Job Editor (CodePlex)
Metablast Schema Documentation
Metadata Browser [SDK] (for UR12 and above)
Metadata Browser [3rd party] (CodePlex)
Metadata Document Generator (CodePlex)
MSCRM ToolKit (CodePlex) (Reference Data Transporter, Data Export Manager, Export Entities Structure, Deployment Properties, Solutions Export Manager, Workflow Execution Manager, Records Counter)
OData Query Designer (CodePlex)
OptionSet Helper from CRM SDK
OptionSet Manager by CrmXpress (CodePlex)
OptionSet Utility & Community Library
OrgDBOrgSettings Tool
Plugin Configuration
Plugin Testing Tool (CodePlex)
Plugin Quick Deploy Tool (CodePlex)
Pragma Toolkit: Ribbon, SiteMap Editor (CodePlex)
Prep Plug-in for XrmToolbox (Download)
Ribbon Browser (CodePlex)
Ribbon Editor (CodePlex)
Ribbon Workbench
Role Updater (CodePlex)
RunAs GUI tool by CRMXpress
Searchable Property Updater (CodePlex)
Security Role Browser (CodePlex)
Security Roles Helper by CrmXpressr (CodePlex)
Sharing Summary (CodePlex)
SiteMap Editor (CodePlex)
SiteMap Editor by Microsoft Dynamics Labs
SmartSoapLogger (CodePlex)
Solution Import Tool (CodePlex)
Solution Extender (CodePlex)
Sonoma Partners Universal Settings Utility
Stunnware Tools (FetchXML, QueryExpression Builder)
Tool that increases limit of record during export to Excel
TraceHelper by CRMXpress (Download)
Trace Reader (CodePlex)
User Object Migration (Converting Queries/Charts/Dashboards from User to System) (CodePlex)
User Settings Utility (CodePlex)
User Settings Console (CodePlex)
VB.Net SoapLogger (CodePlex)
View Layout Replicator (CodePlex)
Visual Ribbon Editor Tool (CodePlex)
Web Resource Manager (CodePlex)
Xrm JavaScript Dojo (CodePlex)
Demian_Rasko's Toolbox for Dynamics CRM 2011/2013 (CodePlex)
- Currency Exchange Rates
- Access Checker
- Assembly Recovery Tool
- Attribute Bulk Updater
- Audit Center
- Easy Translator
- FetchXml Tester
- Form Libraries Manager
- Form Parameter Manager
- Iconator
- Metadata Doc Generator
- Privileges Discovery
- Role Updater
- Script Finder
- SiteMap Editor
- Solution Import
- Solution Transfer Tool
- Sync Filter Manager
- View Layout Replicator
- Web Resources Manager
- OData Query Designer
- Metadata Browser
- CRM 4 to CRM 2011 JavaScript Converter
- Trace Tool (on premise only)
- Statistics
Solution Samples
Building an HTML/JScript Configuration Web Resource (Download Sample)
Call Centre Optimised CRM–An Example Solution
Creating Automatic Follow-up Activities
Microsoft Dynamics CRM in the Call Center (Keeping Multiple Source System Data in Sync, Maintaining Data Quality, How to leverage Multiple Source Systems through CRM)
Track Last Contacted Date for Customers
Track Expenses with Custom Entities (Configuring Entities, Workflow and Dialog Processes used to Route Expenses)
Common CRM interview questions
MS CRM 2011 Technical Interview Question Part -1
MS CRM 2011 Technical Interview Question Part -2
Developer Training Videos
Excellent video resources CRM 2011
100+ videos dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
CRM 2011 Build and version numbers
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Development Resources
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 E-mail Router
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Report Authoring Extension
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Implementation Guide
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Software Development Kit (SDK)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer Training Kit
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Performance Counters
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Optimization guide
Optimizing and Maintaining the Performance of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Infrastructure
Performance Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 updates and hotfixes
Update Rollup 1 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1045)
Update Rollup 2 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1155)
Update Rollup 3 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1244)
Update Rollup 4 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1450)
Update Rollup 5 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1533)
Update Rollup 6 (Build Number 5.0.9688.1992)
Update Rollup 7 (Build Number 5.0.9690.2165)
Update Rollup 8 (Build Number 5.0.9690.2243)
Update Rollup 10 (Build Number 5.0.9690.2730)
Update Rollup 11 (Build Number 5.0.9690.2835)
Update Rollup 12 (Build Number 5.0.9690.3218)
Update Rollup 13 (Build Number 5.00.9690.3448)
Update Rollup 14 (Build Number 05.00.9690.3557)
Update Rollup 15 (Build Number 05.00.9690.3731)
Update Rollup 16 (Build Number 05.00.9690.3911)
Update Rollup 17 (Build Number 05.00.9690.4150)
Installation and Configuration
Connector for Microsoft Dynamics installation guides
Installing Active Directory On Windows Server 2008
Installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Standalone Sandbox Using VirtualBox Part 1
Installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Standalone Sandbox Using VirtualBox Part 2
Obtain the setup updates
Optimizing and Maintaining Client Performance for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and CRM Online
Optimizing and Maintaining the Performance of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Infrastructure
CRM 2011 Performance Tuning
Introduction to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter
Installing the Dynamics CRM Instance Adapter
Configuring the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter Configuration Utility
Generating Maps for Dynamic CRM Instance Adapter Integration
CRM 2011 Instance Adapter Initial Integrations, Entity Order and Relationships
CRM 2011 Instance Adapter: Understanding Object Provider Files
Integration with SharePoint 2010
Integration with SharePoint: Custom Document Management
Rename a Windows Server 2008 domain
Using Windows Server 2008 as a Workstation
Better Dynamics CRM E-mail Editor (TinyMCE, Markdown)
Create Documentation for custom workflow activity code with Doxygen
Send SMS messages and making robocalls using Tropo
Getting started with customer service processes
C# Get Plain Text from HTML String
Setup Visual Studio Remote Debugging
90 Day Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 (no CAL limit):
90 Day Microsoft Dynamics CRM Workgroup Server 2011 (5 CAL limit):
This is brilliant work Linn.
ReplyDeleteIt's a one stop resource for Dynamics CRM.
Thank you very much
Nice one, long list but worth it!
ReplyDeleteGood list, mostly every thing at one place. Thanks for the effort
ReplyDeletesmart list
ReplyDeleteReally a Grate work , plz be updating the bloog with new features and
ReplyDeleteGreat work! Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteVery well compiled. Thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteYou are genius and very helpful to the community!! Please keep on updating it for CRM2013.