Dynamics 365 V9 Javascript Validator

This XrmToolBox tool allows you to validate the JavaScript/HTML web resources to find out if any of them are using the deprecated client APIs (developed by Michel Gueli).

Before the out-of-the-box "Solution Checker" tool, there was no option to check if there is any deprecated client APIs used in any of the web resources. And "Solution Checker" is only available for online environments and not available for on-premise environments.
To upgrade your or on-premise environments to version 9, you can use this tool to validate the web resources and find out the deprecated client APIs in the JavaScript/HTML to replace with the new client APIs.
  • Tool Information
  • Blog Mentions 1Blog Mentions 2Blog Mentions 3
  • Functionalities
    • Scan JavaScript/HTML web resources to find deprecated client APIs
      • Retrieve all JavaScript/HTML web resources in the environment (Fig. 1, Pt. 1)
        • Retrieve the latest version of the selected web resource(s) (Fig. 1, Pt. 2)
      • Filter the web resources by solution (Fig. 1, Pt. 5)
      • Scan all web resources for the usage of deprecated client APIs (Fig. 1, Pt. 2)
        • Scan the selected web resource(s) for the usage of deprecated client APIs (Fig. 1, Pt. 4)
      • Hide the web resources without warnings from the list (Fig. 1, Pt. 6)
      • View the list of web resources with warning count (Fig. 1, Pt. 7)
      • View the log to find out the deprecated client API usage at a particular line number and its replacement client API (Fig. 1, Pt. 8)
  • Similar Tool
    • Solution Checker

Fig. 1 - Dynamics 365 V9 Javascript Validator

This is part of the #TooLDR series where I test and review the tools for Power Platform. You can check out the information for the other tools on this page.


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