DateTime Behavior Utility

This XrmToolBox tool allows you to select the time zone for the existing date and time values during the change of the behaviour from User Local to Date Only (developed by Jonas Rapp, Rickard Sundling and Innofactor AB).

When you update a date and time column to change its behaviour from User Local to Date Only or Time-Zone Independent, it does not automatically convert the existing column values in the database and the values continue to be in UTC. (read more details here)
To convert the existing UTC values in the database to the appropriate Date Only value to avoid any data anomalies, you can use this tool to select the column and one of the conversion rules.
  • Tool Information
  • Functionalities
    • Convert the UTC values of the selected Date Only column to specific time zone (Fig. 1, Pt. 7)
      • Load all the columns with Date and Time data type (Fig. 1, Pt. 1)
      • Select the column to be converted (Fig. 1, Pt. 4)
        • Specify the conversion rule (Fig. 1, Pt. 5)
          • Time zone of the Created By user
          • Time zone of the Owning user
          • Time zone of the Modified By user
          • Specific time zone
            • Specify the time zone country code (Fig. 1, Pt. 7)
    • Additionally, the tool can
      • Filter the columns (Fig. 1, Pt. 2)
        • by table name
        • by behaviour of the Date and Time column
        • by format (Date and Time or Date only)
        • with behaviour property which can be changed
      • Analyse how many rows have data for the selected column (Fig. 1, Pt. 3)

Fig. 1 - DateTime Behavior Utility

This is part of the #TooLDR series where I test and review the tools for Power Platform. You can check out the information for the other tools on this page.


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