How to Set Lookup Fields with Null Value from Dynamic Content in Microsoft Dataverse Connector

In one of my previous blog posts, I wrote about How to Set Lookup Field Value in Microsoft Dataverse Flow Connector. In that blog post, I mentioned that I was not sure how to set a lookup as null either directly or from another record’s lookup field as the output of the step (which can potentially be null). Recently, I discovered a way to do that and I would like to share that with you all in this post.

Problem statement
What is a Nullable value in this situation?
Nullable value is any field that is blank or has no value. The field could be empty/null because the field was not mandatory and/or the user may not have entered any value for it when filling up the form. When a nullable filled is used in flows to get data from, we need to consider the scenarios where the field value is empty, how to check if it’s null from a previous step (trigger, Get a record, List records) before using that field in the subsequent step of the flow.

What is the problem with Nullable lookup value in Microsoft Dataverse connector?
Because of the way the lookup value has to be set in Microsoft Dataverse connector <<EntitySetName>>(<<RecordGUID>>), the flow throws an error "The supplied reference link -- systemusers() -- is invalid." if the <<RecordGUID>> of the reference field is empty.

For simplicity’s sake, let’s consider a scenario where the system must create a new Account record if a Contact record is created and if the Company Name field of the Contact is empty. One of the requirements is to populate the Contact’s Full Name into the Name of the Account and the Preferred User of the Contact into the Preferred User of the new Account. In this scenario, the Preferred User field of the Contact entity is optional and the value can be empty for some of the Contact records.

I posted in the Power Automate Ideas to allow setting null value to the lookup field in Microsoft Dataverse connector. I got a response from one of the Microsoft employees that the workaround solution is to conditionally check the value using empty() and set null or empty string '' to the lookup field.

This is the flow expression that you can use to set the lookup field with nullable value in Create a new record action.


Setting the null or empty string '' to the lookup field works for Add a new row action. For Update a row action, only the the null value can be set. (but not empty string for Update)

To set the lookup column with Null value, you can either set the null value directly, or

set the null value in the expression.

If you set the null or empty string to the lookup field in the Update a record action, you will get the following error.
The supplied reference link -- -- is invalid. Expecting a reference link of the form /entityset(key).
If you want to set the null value to the lookup of the existing record, you can use the Unrelate action as shown in this blog post by EY Kalman. Unrelate action can only update one lookup field for each step and currently, there is no other way to set null value to the multiple lookup fields in one step using the Microsoft Dataverse connector.

If you are looking for an option to set the nullable value to the lookup field in the update action, you can now set the null value. (but not empty string)  there are 3 workaround solutions
1. Check the value in the Condition step to find out if the value is empty. If the value is not empty, update all required fields and if the value is empty, update the rest of the fields except the lookup field.
Pro: Only 1 web request API call to the server.
Con: If there is any change required, both steps need to be updated.

2. Update all other fields except the lookup field in one Update step. Check the value in the Condition step and if the value is not empty, another Update step in the Yes condition branch to update the lookup field only.
Pro: All common logic is in the first Update step so that it is easy to maintain and any change can be done in one place.
Con: There will be x2 API calls and update the record twice if the value is not empty.

3. Use old/standard/normal/soon-to-be-deprecated/non-current Microsoft Dataverse (legacy) connector. Setting the lookup field in this connector is just record GUID and it does not complain if the value is empty.
Pro: Just one simple Update step.
Con: Normal Microsoft Dataverse (legacy) connector is not ALM-friendly and the connections in the flow require to be re-authorise after each deployment.

This is just the simplified version of the scenario but I encountered a similar situation in most of the flows that I built for the project work. One of those is for creating the Case Stage custom entity on the status change of the Case entity and certain lookup fields of the Case Stage entity was populated with the nullable values from the Case and Contact (customer in the Case) entities. Another one is for creating the Attendance entity based on the Attendee field of the Appointment and as usual, some of the lookup dynamic values from other entities are nullable.

Other Scenarios
This can also be applied in other scenarios such as conditionally setting the value of the polymorphic lookup. 

In the example above, the duplicate Contact is created from the Contact from the trigger step. The Company Name is the Customer Lookup field which can either be populated with Account or Contact. The following expressions can be used to populate the Company Name lookup based on the entity type of the Company Name value.

For Company Name (Accounts)

For Company Name (Contacts)

In the Create a new record action of the Microsoft Dataverse connector, we can use the null or empty string '' to set the lookup field with an empty value.


  1. Good blog, well done Linn!

  2. Thanks for the post , Linn. It was a great help to this frustrating issue.

    Working with lookups in Power Automate has become such as hassle with the newest Dataverse/CDS connector. Just having to know the plural name of the entity when you set a lookup - and using this expression will scare aware citizen developers.

    1. Indeed, Nielf. It's not citizen developer friendly at all. 😐

  3. Thanks for the post. I am using Microsoft Dataverse Update a Row step to populate a look up field. It works fine if it has a value but failing to update the lookup with Null value even after trying to set it to null or an empty string in the if condition. Kindly let me know if there is any thing to consider for it to be working. Thanks for the help.

    1. I have added a sample Update a row step with expression and screenshots to update the lookup with Null value. Try to follow those samples and if you still have a problem updating the lookup with Null value, let me know with your expression.

    2. Same problem for me

  4. The lookup reset only works in single record mode. If you use the Web API batch mode (, the lookup reset doesn't work. I would consider that a bug in the Microsoft Dataverse API.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I have never tried the Web API batch mode but it is good to know about it.

  5. Hey Linn - great info as always! I'm looking into a similar nullable issue but with a Dataverse choice field, is it possible?

    1. For choice field, you can just set the Choice column value directly and no expression is required. If the value is empty, it will just set null value to the column.

  6. Hey Linn,
    Thanks for your post on how to set lookup fields with null. It is working fine, but in my scenario, the lookup field may have values or may not have values. By following your above method, the lookup field is not updating even though there is value in the source entity. Please advise.

    1. Can you please check the output of the expression in the Compose step to see where could be the issue?

  7. Assume that I have a data verse table named as User, it has multiple columns. I want to update one column named as Business unit, the data type for this column is lookup. I want to update this lookup column with a string value that I took as input when the flow triggered. Please help me find out the correct path to achieve this.

    1. In that case, you will need to query the data from the Business Unit able by List Rows using the filter (name eq '«InputParameter»')
      Then, Condition branch to check the lenght() of the output from the List Rows and if the count is equal to 1, set the lookup with first() of the output from the List Rows.


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